It is most relaxing for the couple to take the photos without being rushed. Sometimes there's room between the ceremony and reception and sometimes there's not. I know guests complain about a big break between the two but if it it makes you THE BRIDE (and groom of course) happier then do it your way it YOUR DAY not theirs. Before the ceremony is the best as make up and hair are fresh, you can still get that "first look" moment it just won't be the traditional way of doing it.
Just because its traditional doesn't mean you need to do it. Look for an album that will tell a story, how many photos of each person do you really need? Do you need every bridesmaid walking down the aisle? It gets a little repetitive and they're going to be in the fun formals anyway.
Try not to do formal photos in the sanctuary, or should I say at the alter. You're whole ceremony took place by the alter switch it up a bit. Then you also don't have to worry about the cross appearing the in the photo like its coming out of someone's head.
To keep formals short only worry about key players like immediate family and wedding party. Extended family photos are best saved for a lull in the reception, or the end of cocktails as everyone moves to their seats. Some families who are camera junkies will eventually line themselves up and then you just need to pop in the B&G.
It's much easier to take formals without a big group around. You have no idea how hard it is to get a group of people to all look at you when your taking a photo, adding people behind the photographer just makes the photos take longer. As they distract and interact with the people in the photo.
The longest part about taking a photo is the gathering of the people, if you have a good group who listens to the photographer or better yet a photographer can take command you're set. A big group of rowdy (sometimes drunk) people is no fun and gets frustrating for the B&G as they try to get their photos taken.
I often get asked many questions from my couples on their wedding day, my answer is ALWAYS what do YOU want to do, don't worry about anyone else but you. I'm there to make sure you get great photos and have a great day!
Outstanding wedding photography it was! I am blessed to have a look at these photos. At one of the destination Los Angeles event venues we would be tying the knot soon and want to hire a local LA photographer for covering our day so that we don’t have to pay him for travel and accommodation. Do you know about a good one?